On the World Day for the Prevention of Suicide, a full-day professional conference “Together for Prevention of Suicide” took place on September 10, 2019 at the premises of the Faculty of Medical Care in Ljubljana, Zdravstvena pot 5. As a plenary lecturer, the conference was attended by Assoc. Prof. Alja Videtič Paska, with a lecture “Between the genes and the environment – epigenetics of suicidal behavior”. Detailed information about the event is available on the website https://www.nijz.si/sites/www.nijz.si/files/uploaded/drugo_obvestilo_in_program_wspd_2019.pdf.
Ob Svetovnem dnevu za preprečevanje samomora je v prostorih Zdravstvene fakultete v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena pot 5, dne 10.9.2019 potekal celodnevni strokovni posvet “Skupaj za preprečevnje samomora”. Kot plenarna predavateljica se je posveta udeležila izr. prof. dr. Alja Videtič Paska, s prispevkom “Med geni in okoljem – epigenetika samomorilnega vedenja”. Podrobna informacija o dogodku je dostopna na spletni strani https://www.nijz.si/sites/www.nijz.si/files/uploaded/drugo_obvestilo_in_program_wspd_2019.pdf.