On 4 and 5 October 2019, the UL Faculty of Medicine (UL MF) Open Day took place for all those interested in the work of the faculty. With this event the widest possible range of public was informed of the activities and achievements of UL MF. The presentation and viewing of MCMB took place on Saturday, October 5 between 11:00 and 12:20. Program of the event is presented at the invitation web site: Open Day.
UL MF je 4. in 5. oktobra 2019 pripravila Dan odprtih vrat, namenjen vsem, ki jih zanima, kako poteka delo na fakulteti. S tem dogodkom smo z dejavnostmi in dosežki UL MF seznanili širok krog obiskovalcev. Predstavitev in ogled MCMB sta potekala v soboto 5. oktobra, med 11:00 in 12:20 uro. Program dogodka je predstavljen na spletni strani z vabilom: Dan odprtih vrat.